Downloading Scheduled Inspections

Best practice requires Inspections to be planned and scheduled using the Inspections Dashboard on the RedRabbit portal. These scheduled inspections are then downloaded to the mobile devices on which the RedRabbit App will be used to capture the Inspection Results.

Note: The RedRabbit mobile app is a native app meaning that it runs locally on your mobile device and as such does not need any connectivity to the Internet while you are doing the Inspection. It will also not use any of your data while doing the Inspection. Internet connectivity is only required to download data for scheduled inspections and to upload inspection results and photos of completed Inspections. These activities can be performed when you are back at the office where you will have access to your office Wi-Fi and therefore not use any of your device data.

Before you can download Inspections you will have to:

  • Install the RedRabbit mobile app on your mobile device, by going to the playstore/istore on your mobile device.
  • Schedule an Inspection on the RedRabbit portal. Click here to see how.

Then follow the steps below to download scheduled inspections that have been allocated to you:

Step 1: Login to the App

Click on the RedRabbit icon on your mobile device to open the RedRabbit app. A login page will be displayed as shown below. Type in your user name in the top field (this will be your Email address) and then your password (the same password that you use when logging in on the RedRabbit portal on your PC) in the next line. Then click LOGIN.

Note: User Name and Password fields are case sensitive. It is therefore extremely important to ensure that you type the User Name and Password incorrectly using the correct case for each letter.

Step 2: Download your Inspections

If you have no uncompleted downloaded inspections on your device, a blank page will be displayed as shown below. If you have uncompleted Inspections, they will be shown in the list below.

To download newly scheduled inspections, on Andriod,  just click on the circular arrow icon on the RedRabbit banner at the top. Once the download is completed, the scheduled inspections will be displayed in the list as shown below for Yellow Wood 10, 20 and 30. On IOS swipe down to download. 

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