Approving & Rejecting Quotes on RedRabbit (Videos Included) 2022

CLICK HERE to watch "Rejecting Quote" video

CLICK HERE to watch "Approving Quote" video

Approving and Rejecting Quotes on RedRabbit is a simple and quick process.

Rejecting a quote

Step 1:

Click on the 3 dots on the Service Provider block that you want to reject, then select "reject quote"

Step 2:

You will now be on the "Communication" page of your workflow and the saved reply will already be selected for you, all you need to do is click on "next" on the bottom right

Step 3:

If need be, you can set a reminder and a ticket phase at this point, then click on "task and send" and you're done. The system will now send the rejection email to the service provider.

Accepting a quote

Step 1:

Go to the 3 dots on the service provider block where you want to approve the quote, then click on "approve quote":

Step 2:

Update the required action to "proceed as quoted", then click on "next"

Step 3:

Customize your task card to your service provider. Choose all the relevant options, then click on "next"

Step 4:

Select all the communication for the different stakeholders. 

TIP: The system has already chosen the relevant communication (saved replies) - you can edit or change if you need to

Step 5:

Set your ticket phase and reminder, then click on "task and send" - now you are done accepting your quote and the system will send the email and task card to your service provider

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