Online Signatures Identified by the Fingerprint Icon

The Inspection signatures are taken down by the tenant, landlord, agent, or inspector on the mobile App. There are also the signatures recorded using the Online Inspection Report and both can be identified and reviewed in the following ways. 

The Online Inspection Report now features the inspections recorded signatures. This enables you to view the already recorded signatures directly on the online report

You can now see at a glance if the landlord or tenant has signed an inspection. Please note the fingerprint icons next to the current status on the inspection list and dashboard. If the tenant has signed the inspection the fingerprint will be green. If the landlord has signed the inspection the fingerprint will be orange. 

Landlord and Tenant fingerprint on Inspection List:

This icon is also clickable for more information so that you are able to see the details of the signature.

Landlord and Tenant fingerprint on Inspection Dashboard:

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